I wanted to be as basic as possible for a 6 minute article. Sure, diversification is important. But a lot of people don't even know where to start.
If the government isn't able to prop up the stock market by printing money it signifies the collapse of the whole country. I'm very confident that rich people in the US will never lose their money again. That's the one thing politicians are really focused on.
I don't think there will be a regression because the stock market is rigged. This is after watching it for 46 years. Rich people stay rich whether they deserve to go broke or not. Really, all you have to do is invest your money and never touch it. There's nothing fancy about investing at all.
Something like a house is a great investment too. I got fed up with the stock market fluctuations during the Trump administration and paid off my house with new money, but I didn't take anything out of investments. Just ride it out.