Thanks for this article. What I find interesting here is that I think the work we're doing with our articles is leading us to the same conclusions. I just wrote an article about how so many white Americans actually fantasize about racial cleansing.
This country conditions us to disregard the racial injustices of this country. White Americans can't see them. We all have blinders on. It's hard to believe because nobody is trying to hide what's happening. Instead, there is this weird social pressure to disregard it.
Then you have the idiot passive moderates that MLK warned us about claiming we're the problem for daring to talk about it.
The facts are simple:
The violent, radical right are domestic terrorists
They're hoarding guns
They fantasize about racial cleansing
They've been emboldened by the normalization of racism by the Trump presidency
The scary part is these fringe groups are becoming larger and more organized. The January 6th insurrection was a strategic attack. This is just starting, and unless we hold the mentally unfit white supremacists accountable, there will be more bloodshed.