That's a refreshing comment. I wish you'd expand it into an article with more information from your background. However, I think there are few other writers that would take it seriously. Everyone wants to believe the story that they just have to work hard and "memorize the phone book" (that's my catch phrase for all the hoops writers are supposed to jump through to get the mythical contract).
I like that you mention the other ways that big publishing houses are funded beyond sales. I've encountered some resistance from people who just want to assume the model is "publishers create books... people buy them." Looking at the situation, I think it's wrong to assume that, but people insist on it and refuse to listen to any other possibilities.
I've been working on a series of books with my daughters. I read them a chapter every other night. My goal is to develop enough of a personal following that I can either attract a small publisher or publish it myself at some point. Based on your comment, it seems like this is my best course of action.