That's true, but I think the situation you refer to is also part of the attack on education. I think the value of college degrees is being deliberately undermined in order to discourage people from educating themselves. HVAC techs do very important jobs, but a lot of them end up scrubbing on old ductwork that's wrapped in asbestos. We don't spend a lot of time in our country talking about the health risks of these other jobs. But I do 100% agree that a kid should get a tech degree first, and then work on a professional wage while pursuing dreams that require more education.
Your comment made me realize something else too. I used to blame my school for my struggles, but today I realize my home life was awful too. I think, when I was a kid, I projected much of my anger against my dad at my school and it made me unwilling to listen to school staff. That could have ended badly for me if I'd been in a good school, but I was in an abusive school, so it turned out okay. Weird huh?